My Voice – Session 5

We all have an opinion or a view or simply a thought about things that happen around us or to us. Sometimes we think about it, at times we speak about it, and perhaps even take action but most times we do nothing. And that’s ok.

But what if we had a safe space for minds to meet, where we could talk about things that matter to us, listen to each other, learn from our own self?

Invites you on Wednesday 15th July, 6 PM-7 PM on Zoom to


A platform where we can do all of this and more, through a series of online discussions with like-minded women. Where we can agree, disagree, or agree to disagree but without any judgement. And together we shall embark on a new journey, each week with an interesting & thought-provoking topic that touches us!

SESSION 5 TOPIC: Understanding Confirmation Bias

“What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact.” — Warren Buffett

When taking decisions most of us tend to gather information and interpret it to confirm existing beliefs and values. But does it have an impact on resulting outcomes? To understand how Confirmation Bias prevents us from looking at a situation objectively and to discover how to achieve our goals by getting out of our own way, join Christine Delmas Monteiro in Session 5 of My Voice. 

A Zoom link will be shared with the registered attendees via email prior to the event. We can only allow limited guests to join, as it’s an interactive session with audio & video. There is no charge to attend this and the purpose is to simply share opinions and views with each other.

About Christine Delmas Monteiro

Christine Delmas Monteiro is an Executive Coach with Kipling Partners (Australia). Her passionate curiosity for what accesses, harnesses and raises human potential, led her to executive coaching. Christine has coached professionals of diverse nationalities and cultures from the technology, legal, manufacturing, media, education sectors and combines a thought-provoking Ontological approach with a practical framework for addressing personal expansion.

Christine is deeply passionate about women’s issues and believes our inner narratives are the bearers of our vulnerability, authenticity, and ultimately, courage, to show up as the best version of ourselves. Her clients value the quiet, confidential space in which she facilitates and enables inner shifts in self-awareness and perception, thus uncovering a hidden set of available actions and personal choices.

MORE POWER TO US!!!For further information: Call 87514980 or Email

Event Location

Event Location

  • Public Event
    29, Jun- 2021 RSVP

    #MyVoice Book Launch Event

    #MyVoice Our voices are one of our most valuable possessions. It is an essential tool for communicating with the world around us. It can be both vocal and written. Both can be quiet, and both can be a roar! Women’s voices are crucial to creating.

  • Public Event
    01, Mar- 2023 RSVP

    KeyNote Book Launch Event

    Join us for the global launch of KeyNote Book Launch Event on the March 7, 2023 - Meet the amazing 17 co-authors of the book and who will be sharing very different experiences and perspectives, hope to provide you with plenty of inspiration and food for.

  • Public Event
    09, Dec- 2021 RSVP

    #MyVoice Book – Vol. 3 Launch Event

    Join us for the global launch of #MyVoice Vol. 3 on the 23rd of Dec - Meet the amazing 20 co-authors of the book and hear about their Journeys of Self discovery & Resilience. Who knows one of their stories could be just like yours.....