My Voice – Session 6

We all have an opinion or a view or simply a thought about things that happen around us or to us. Sometimes we think about it, at times we speak about it, and perhaps even take action but most times we do nothing. And that’s ok.

But what if we had a safe space for minds to meet, where we could talk about things that matter to us, listen to each other, learn from our own self?

Invites you on Wednesday 5th August, 6 PM-7 PM on Zoom to


A platform where we can do all of this and more, through a series of online discussions with like-minded women. Where we can agree, disagree, or agree to disagree but without any judgement. And together we shall embark on a new journey, each week with an interesting & thought-provoking topic that touches us!

SESSION 6 TOPIC: Developing Resilience in Times of Crisis

“Tough time never last, But tough people do.”    ~ Robert H. Schuller

Resilience was the hallmark of successful people and companies before 2020. Now in recent times, it became undoubtedly a critical survival skill to learn and develop for every one of us, especially women. Women today are juggling a multitude of things and facing even more challenges than ever before in their personal and professional lives.

So how can we be more resilient during these challenging times and be better prepared for any adversity in the future?

Together let’s learn how to self-reflect, gain clarity, and build resilience to navigate any crisis. Join Neetha Sanjay as she take us through her approach of developing resilience through introspecting, evaluating options, and practicing intentional optimism.

A Zoom link will be shared with the registered attendees via email prior to the event. We can only allow limited guests to join, as it’s an interactive session with audio & video. There is no charge to attend this and the purpose is to simply share opinions and views with each other.

About Neetha Sanjay

Neetha is a Singapore based, ICF Certified Life & Career Coach, Mentor, and Speaker who specializes in empowering women to live their desired lives with confidence, resilience, and positivity. She brings to her coaching more than 10 years of diverse experience in healthcare management and developing people. She is passionate about helping women going through challenges in life or career to overcome it with confidence and empower them to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Having survived and thrived through many of life’s adversities, she often speaks to women’s groups to help them build resilience to navigate any challenges. Neetha believes that to cause global change, we have to empower the next generation of female leaders to have the courage and confidence to stand up for themselves and others.

                  MORE POWER TO US!!!For further information: Call 87514980 or Email

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  • Networking Events
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