My Voice – International Women’s Day Networking Event

“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” –Melinda Gates

Invites you on Wednesday 10th March, 6PM-7 PM SGT & HKT / 3:30 PM-4:40PM (IST) via Zoom to


To celebrate womanhood and all the wonderful things we bring to our own lives and that of others, let’s come together and honour ourselves, find our voice and share with each other what makes us special. Through this event, connect with other like-minded women from all walks of our diverse and thriving community in a cohesive, collaborative and interactive setting.

*A Zoom link will be shared with the registered attendees via email prior to the event. We can only allow limited guests to join, as it’s an interactive session with audio & video. There is no charge to attend this and the purpose is to simply share opinions and views with each other. P.S These sessions are not recorded.

What is “MY VOICE”

We all have an opinion or a view or simply a thought about things that happen around us or to us. Sometimes we think about it, at times we speak about it, and perhaps even take action but most times we do nothing. And that’s ok. But what if we had a safe space for minds to meet, where we could talk about things that matter to us, listen to each other, learn from our own self?

My Voice is a platform where we can do all of this and more, through a series of online discussions with like-minded women. Where we can agree, disagree, or agree to disagree but without any judgement. And together we shall embark on a new journey, each week with an interesting & thought-provoking topic that touches us!

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Event Location

Event Location

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